Early childhood administrators* are responsible for the overall operation of their programs and services. The roles and responsibilities of early childhood administrators are diverse, ranging from complete responsibility for program operations to shared responsibilities of specific operations or programs. Administrative roles may include managing the school/program, providing instructional and program leadership, and human resources. Among many other things, administrators are responsible for budgets, the safety of children, compliance to federal and state regulations, staffing, parent and family engagement, and collaborating with and involving community partners.
Unlike other school administrators, there is no formal training required of early childhood administrators in Minnesota. However, as this website or any seasoned early childhood administrator can testify, there is a lot to learn! Thankfully, we have a tremendous wealth of experience and knowledge among the many administrators in Minnesota.
The purpose of the EC Admin website** is to provide information and convenience for early childhood administrators. Whenever possible, this site should link to original sources of information. For example, there are numerous links that will take site users to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) website. If information or resources are not available on another website, they may be posted to this website (e.g., if a user uploads an example of a document as a resource to other users). Always rely on original sources of information and your program's/organization's technical assistance support staff.
*Administrators may hold titles like coordinators, directors, or managers. While early childhood administrators work in a variety of settings and programs, this website will be most beneficial to school-based early childhood administrators.
**This website is sponsored and maintained by the Minnesota Association for Family and Early Education (MNAFEE).
In the Spotlight
Parent Education and Family Life Education: A Critical Link in Early Childhood Education Policy
Click Here, scroll down for policy brief on NCFR website
The Role of State Boards in Improving Early Childhood Education
Click Here, Winona Hao, National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)
Preschool Development Grant - Technical Assistance Website
Your access point to useful resources, technical assistance, and the latest news. Please explore the site and work with us to develop and expand the availability of high-quality preschool programs across the nation.
Click Here
Five Social Disadvantages That Depress Student Performance: Why Schools Alone Can’t Close Achievement Gaps
Click Here for Report, from the Economic Policy Institute
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- What is a Wiki?
- Purpose and Goals
- How to Use the EC Admin website
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