Early Education Enrollment reports the attendance and membership for children enrolled in ECFE and School Readiness programs across the state that meet at least six times with the same group of children and families.
Early Education Enrollment is built on the Ed-Fi system that also collects information for MARSS. Information on EE Enrollment is available on the Ed-Fi Documentation site below.
Click here for the Early Education Enrollment page. Search on "Early Education" or on "EDVP" for the Education Data Validation Portal to see what data has landed at MDE after syncing.
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) manages the Early Learning Scholarships Program under Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.165.
This program provides scholarships to income-eligible families to increase access to high-quality early childhood programs for three- and four-year-old children with the highest needs, in order to improve school readiness for all young children. Priority for scholarships will be given based on family income,
child poverty and geographic region.
The program is managed using the Early Learning Scholarships Administrative (ELSA) System, which
is available to authorized Scholarship Administrators and School District SSID Maintainers.
The Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System (MARSS) collects student data required by more than one area of the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) via one system. Minnesota Automated Reporting Student Web Edit System (MWES) is the system used to gather Minnesota districts information. Components of ECSE, EC Screening, VPK and SRP are reported in MARSS.
This crucial data is the primary data MDE uses to make payment of funds to local school districts. Data collected by MARSS are used for a variety of purposes, including state aid and levy calculations, federal grant allocations, federal and state civil rights reporting, unduplicated child count, and National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
Click Here or for the MARSS Web Edit System page.
District and School Site Verification
The District and School Site Verification System is a web-accessible collection tool that enables updates to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) master directory of organizational units, which controls the processing of data on other MDE major systems such as MARSS, STAR, UFARS, FNS, IDEAS, LEVIES and the AYP Report Card.
It is essential that contact information be kept up to date. Districts are asked to update changes to contact information whenever necessary throughout the year.
Please connect with your district’s Site Verification Coordinator (SVC) to make sure your sites are listed, or accurately listed.
MDE_ORG lists information on Minnesota's high schools, middle schools and elementary schools. This is simply the process of building early education sites into that same system that is updated annually by the Site Verification Coordinator. Among other purposes, MDE will be uses this system as a main list of email and contact information.
Click Here or
To see the original notification to Superintendents go to the October 30, 2014 link at this site:
STAR (STaff Automated Reporting) is a web-based system used by school districts to report employment and assignment information to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). This system is also used by districts to access the licensure/assignment discrepancy report and to complete "highly qualified" reporting.
Click Here or for the STAR Web Edit System page.
Early Childhood & Parent Education Staff Guidance for STAR Reporting and Licensure Information
Click Here for Document
Minnesota Common Course Catalogue is a way of reporting early childhood experiences in a standard format across districts. General early education and Early Childhood Special Education will be working together to submit the report through the district's Common Course Catalogue reporter.
Click Here or request recorded trainings from Karen Millette at Karen.Millette "at" Karen also has a worksheet specifically for early childhood staff to help provide information to reporting staff.