The information on this page can help early childhood programs engage in more systematic decision-making and planning. Early childhood program coordinators can take advantage of a number of resources to make data-informed decisions and monitor program changes over time. The tools on this page have been used by other early childhood programs in Minnesota as part of the Growing Evaluability Together (GrEaT) pilot program. GrEaT is a three-year pilot project intended to learn about the needs of early childhood programs and attempt to meet those needs with tools they can use on their own.
Early childhood programs we have worked with have asked for summaries of research and practice on the topics shown below. Most are marked "working document" or "draft" because we update them as new information becomes available.
Adopting Assessment Assessment Data_DRAFT.docx
Data Visualization Data Visualization.pdf
Hard-to-Reach Populations Hard to Reach 9.21.16.docx
Using PreK Data in Early Grades Use of PreK Data in K-3.docx
Mindfulness & Stress Management MBSR Building Resilience with Staff.docx
Socio economically Diverse Classrooms Diverse SES 12.2.16.pdf
The Child Care Marketplace GrEaT_Child Care Choice_WorkingDoc_1.23.17.docx
In coordination with the Early Childhood Administrators Workgroup a study was conducted looking at the equity between early childhood and K-12 access to resources within the district. Workgroup members asked specifically for a file they could use to better understand their neighbors policies and allow for local networking. Respondents who were willing to share their information and respond to questions are listed in the Detail - Public File below.
At the back of the report is a worksheet that could be used in Regional Network meeting to review the findings in more detail.
Summary of District-Based Early Childhood Administrator’s Survey on Equitable Policies and Practices from
Early Childhood to K-12 Working Paper Report Final.pdf
PowerPoint ECAdminSurvey2.pptx
Detail Public File Detail - Public File.xlsx
Survey Questions EC Administrators Survey.pdf
There will be a webinar to review the report. Contact details for the webinar are below.
Date: Friday, February 8, 1:00 PM
Teleconference Number: 1-888-742-5095, code 355 951 7571 (please mute your phone by pressing *6)
Website: (to save costs, we will not use the Go To Meeting telephone line)
Email questions before or during the conference call to su.nm.etats|nametihW.aisivA#su.nm.etats|nametihW.aisivA
Use these tools when embarking on planning for or responding to change. Programs are encouraged to complete ALL FOUR TOOLS because these four components are necessary to address no matter what the current challenge may be.
1. Logic Model - Example and Guide
Logic Model.Docx
Logic Model Example A.pdf
2. Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Analysis.Docx
3. Data System Inventory / Info. Management Review GrEaT Information Management Review 17-18.docx
4. Communications Audit Media List Monticello Example.xlsx
The challenges faced by early childhood programs can vary. However, it is often difficult to know exactly what is causing a problem or a difficult set of conditions. Use these tools to diagnose your problem. Each includes an early childhood program example. Choose the one that seems to fit best with your challenge. Many diagnosis tools can be completed in one to two meetings.
Benchmarking DIAGNOSE_Benchmarking_9.2.16(1).docx
Correlation DIAGNOSE_Correlation_9.2.16(1).docx
Cycle Time / Flow Diagram DIAGNOSE_Cycle Time_9.2.16(1).docx DIAGNOSE_Flow Chart_9.2.16(1).docx
Fishbone DIAGNOSE_Fishbone_9.8.16(1).docx
Is-Is Not Diagramming DIAGNOSE_Is Is Not_9.8.16(1).docx
Reduce Reframe DIAGNOSE_Reduce Reframe_9.2.16(1).docx
Why-Why Process DIAGNOSE_Why Why_9.2.16(1).docx
Once an early childhood team has identified what the problem is and the likely causes, the next step is to identify potential solutions. Sometimes solutions seem elusive - other times teams have an idea of what might work. Use these tools to identify potential solutions. Again, early childhood program examples are included for each. Choose one that seems to fit well with your team's problems and approach to working together.
Brainstorming SOLUTION&DECMAKING_Brainstorming_9.2.16.docx
Reverse Fishbone SOLUTIONS&DECMAKING_RevFishbone_9.2.16.docx
Storyboard SOLUTION&DECMAKING_Storyboard_needs example yet.docx
When a team has clarified its challenge and identified a set of potential solutions, it must then select from those solutions. (If you only have one solution, that's great - move on to Implementing, below.) The tools listed below help work groups choose systematically between a set of potential solutions. Some tools also provide clear documentation if justification is needed for a given solution because they help teams create priorities and scoring mechanisms.
Decision Matrix SOLUTION&DECMAKING_DecisionMatrix_9.2.16.docx
List Reduction SOLUTIONS&DECMAKING_ListReduction_9.2.16.docx
Paired Comparisons SOLUTION&DECMAKING_PairedComparison_9.2.16.docx
Implementing a change can take time. The tools shown below can help early childhood programs systematically plan out implementing a change.
Early childhood programs need to be able to know whether their change, or problem-solving has been effective. How will you know if your change has worked? The tools shown here can help programs develop measures for monitoring the success of their problem-solving. Never skip monitoring! Having evidence of your team's hard work can boost staff morale and provide you will data to share with leaders and other community stakeholders.
Other Helpful Information
Frameworks Early Childhood Messaging.pdf
Sample Database Spreadsheet.xlsx
Program Evaluation Powerpoint.pdf
Early Childhood Outcomes Center Analyzing Child Outcomes.pdf
Data Quality Campaign Data Literacy Brief.pdf
Sample Database
Data Safety.Docx
Plan Do Study Act Cycle.pdf
Data Quality Campaign - Data Drives School Community Collaboration
Student Engagement_2009 Grade 3 Attendance Predicting Grade 12 Graduation
Logic Model Manual from W.K. Kellogg Foundation
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